Monte Alto soil and forest restoration for the common good of Valle de Bravo
Video that illustrates the success story of an EbA measure supported by GIZ and implemented by the Monte Alto Natural Protected Area.
Video that illustrates the success story of an EbA measure supported by GIZ and implemented by the Monte Alto Natural Protected Area.
Video that illustrates ADAPTUR’s work with tourism service providers to turn adventure and nature tourism into a solution for the conservation and restoration of ecosystems.
Video that documents the coordinated multisectoral work to integrate climate change criteria into regulatory and tourism planning instruments.
Video that explains the importance of making decisions for tourism businesses to adapt to climate change and, in turn, contribute to mitigating its effects.
Video that illustrates the success story of an EbA measure supported by GIZ and implemented by the San Pancho Bird Observatory.
Video that illustrates a successful case of multi-stakeholder dialogue and cooperation to implement climate change adaptation measures from a comprehensive approach.
Vídeo que explica el desarrollo e implementación de una metodología para establecer mecanismos financieros y crear carteras de proyectos AbE.
Vídeo que ilustra el caso de éxito de una medida AbE apoyada por GIZ e implementada por el sector privado.
Vídeo que ilustra el caso de éxito en la alineación de políticas de turismo y medio ambiente para alcanzar la adaptación al cambio climático en Guanajuato.
Vídeo que ilustra el caso de éxito en la restauración de duna costera como una medida de adaptación al cambio climático basada en ecosistemas apoyada en el impulso de alianzas público-privadas.