Communication action plan: keys and recommendations

An action plan serves as a guide in the implementation of communication tactics from a strategic point of view. It helps avoid isolated efforts and ensure compliance with the objectives set after the diagnosis phase.

Once the initial questions about objectives and resources have been answered, an action plan follows the following four phases:

  1. Diagnosis
  2. Strategic approach
  3. Production
  4. Evaluation

Each phase has key tasks. In this article, we share a bit about them, along with recommendations based on what we have learned with project ADAPTUR. 


During the diagnosis, a characterization of the setting or context is carried out. In other words, the place where the actions will be implemented. In addition, the target audiences, alliances, media and communication channels are analyzed.

Some essential aspects to consider at this stage are:

  • The depth with which the diagnosis is made will depend on the time and resources available.
  • An effective diagnosis requires documentary research complemented by interviews with key stakeholders.
  • Although this process can be done at a general level, it is important to focus on communication.
  • Organizing a co-creation workshop is recommended (in a four-eight hour session). In this context, relevant aspects of communication are discussed, analyzed and determined, such as: the focus, priorities, audiences, channels, among other topics.

Strategic approach

The strategic approach involves a series of tasks that are based on what was analyzed in the previous diagnostic phase. It’s time to:

  • Determine communication objectives, following the SMART criteria.
  • Design the lines of discourse and approaches, as well as identify the means to reach each audience.
  • Establish evaluation indicators.
  • Prepare a schedule of actions and responsible parties.
  • The key for this stage to work, as well as the future implementation, is to have a well-designed schedule that assigns responsibilities and mechanisms for tasks to be executed.


In the production stage, specific actions will be designed and implemented. In order to do so, it is important to develop each tactic according to the characteristics of the identified target audiences.

Product validation is essential for meeting deadlines. Therefore, it is recommended to establish a procedure from the start of production, in order to avoid setbacks and loss of human and financial resources.


At the end of each communication action, an evaluation must be carried out. This involves two aspects:

  • Quantitative aspects (number of publications, fans, retweets, subscriptions, accesses, mail, among others)
  • Qualitative aspects (tone of the messages published by the recipients, quality of the information in the contents of press releases, reactions to information published by the project, surveys, questionnaires)

The analysis of both aspects will help identify good practices within the project, as well as lessons learned for future initiatives. An evaluation during the development of activities will also enable timely modifications that can help meet objectives.

For more information on each of these stages, check out more articles on our website.