Work with media

The ability of the media to place certain issues in the public opinion is essential for the positioning of the project. Therefore, working with journalists is key to disseminate the project, add strategic allies and generate a common knowledge base among the target audiences.

Work with media is suggested on two different levels:

In ADAPTUR’s experience, the following objectives were followed when working with the press:

  • Communicate references and examples of different measures, in order to make the difference between mitigation and adaptation to climate change clearer for your audience.
  • Inform the private sector about investments in adaptation measures and the results that have been obtained.
  • Share the materials and tools that have been created.
  • Involve your allies (counterparts) Public liaison offices. They normally have agendas focused on institutional actions and can benefit from exposure.
  • Generate content that illustrates examples (local, national, or international) of ecosystem-based adaptation measures.

ADAPTUR’s experience with the media