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Goal-oriented content production

Goal-oriented content production

The strategic approach allows us to produce materials and the development of communication actions to be oriented towards a specific objective.

The production phase is the longest stage in the implementation of the action plan. During its development, it is important not to lose track of the planned actions.

In addition, it is essential to keep a flexible eye on our work schedule. On many occasions, changes in the context can force us to modify the path we had originally traced.

In this article, we review some tips on creating different types of content:

Video storytelling

Written content

Writing messages is a complex matter that requires initial reflection. Unlike oral language, writing allows us to review the content as many times as we need.

It is important to consider that the first draft is exactly that: a draft, an exercise that allows you to identify errors, organize ideas hierarchically, and check the clarity of what you want to communicate. For clear, direct, assertive, sensitive and correct text, we suggest:

  • Write short and precise sentences. If it is possible to delete a sentence without taking away the meaning of what you want to communicate, goa head and delete it.
  • Use accessible language (communication is meant for sharing). Explain technicalities and concepts with simple words, examples and references to the target audience’s specific context.
  • Tell an emotional, realistic, hopeful and motivating story.
  • Explain the process: the before, the present and the opportunity.
  • Use lists (bullets) for specific content. This way, reading the message will be easier and more effective.
  • Record figures to highlight and specify results and impacts.
  • Follow the inverted pyramid. In other words: place the most important information in the first paragraph, focused on the audience’s topics of interest.
  • Use active verbs. They are more direct, powerful and clear: Who is doing what?
  • Include reading levels in order to highlight relevant information.
  • Relate the contents to the target audience’s interests.

Digital content

Social networks and the Internet are essential means to reach various target audiences. In addition, they are cheaper channels to start executing actions.

For the digital strategy of your project to work, we advise you:

  • Identify the channels that work with the various target audiences. Do not the use of certain social networks take for granted: use the diagnosis phase to check if they work.
  • Keep a constant strategy. We recommended you avoid sporadic campaigns.
  • Create and follow a specific graphic pattern. It is important that it attracts your target audience’s attention.
  • Create differentiated strategies according to the channels and target audiences. All of them must respond to the main objective.
  • Make alliances with influencers and opinion leaders.

Examples of tactics in ADAPTUR

The following table shows the tactics and means that we used in the project in order to reach different target audiences:

Download our template to complete the actors, tactics and media for your project:

Work with media

Work with media

The ability of the media to place certain issues in the public opinion is essential for the positioning of the project. Therefore, working with journalists is key to disseminate the project, add strategic allies and generate a common knowledge base among the target audiences.

Work with media is suggested on two different levels:

In ADAPTUR’s experience, the following objectives were followed when working with the press:

  • Communicate references and examples of different measures, in order to make the difference between mitigation and adaptation to climate change clearer for your audience.
  • Inform the private sector about investments in adaptation measures and the results that have been obtained.
  • Share the materials and tools that have been created.
  • Involve your allies (counterparts) Public liaison offices. They normally have agendas focused on institutional actions and can benefit from exposure.
  • Generate content that illustrates examples (local, national, or international) of ecosystem-based adaptation measures.

ADAPTUR’s experience with the media

Monitoring and evaluation of communication

Monitoring and evaluation of communication

Monitoring and evaluation involve comparing the results of the communication activities with the SMART objectives. To do so, indicators are essential. This evaluation must be carried out periodically and systematically. It is advisable to prepare monthly reports according to the original plan and have a clear baseline at the beginning of the project.

If the project has its own communication channels, we suggest evaluating the indicators. This way you can improve the strategy, get ideas for new content, recognize topics that are being well-received or identify red flags.

Evaluating the effectiveness of communication has always been a challenge. It is important to choose indicators that we ourselves can measure, so that we can generate reports and provide useful results. Here are two types of possible indicators. The first group is focused on evaluating the performance of the actions, and the second on the assessment of the impact of the processes:

5 keys to communicating EbA measures

5 keys to communicating EbA measures

After five years of experience communicating project ADAPTUR, we have put together these 5 keys to communicating projects related to adaptation to climate change:

1. Communication is crucial in a project’s development 

Communication brings things to people’s attention: knowing is caring. If done wrong, it can be counterproductive.

Good communication must be done in line with the project’s goals and objectives, accompanying each of its phases.

However, the communication action plan cannot, by itself, solve challenges that are not included in the scope of the project. For the plan to be successful, it is important to consider co-working with strategic actors.

2. Planning responds to an integral process

Communication planning should recognize the inter-institutional coordination associated with the project’s objectives. In this sense, we recommend uniting efforts and creating synergies between the counterparts in all levels of government (federal, state and municipal) and sectors (private and social).

This way, it will be easier to align goals and generate comprehensive, multilevel and intersectoral work. Undoubtedly, this will have an impact on communication: the initiatives will be consistent and effective, avoiding isolated efforts.

3. The budget must be communication oriented

Financially, it is essential to generate a specific budget for communication actions from the start of the project. This will make it avoid setbacks during the implementation.

Also, it is advisable to look at communication activities and tasks with a comprehensive perspective of a team and coordinated work. If initiatives come together, it will be easier to move forward and take advantage of everyone’s channels.

4. An action plan helps continuity

In communication, processes should not be spontaneous or insufficiently elaborated. It is recommended that all ideas be aligned with a plan that has a clear objective, and that they contribute to a specific goal.

It is important to consider comprehensive actions that include a public relations plan, management, process leadership, as well as in-depth transversal work with all project members. Only then will tangible results be achieved.

In this sense, it is useful to establish guidelines and the flow of communication in a clearly and coordinately.

5. Success stories build a sense of belonging

At the beginning of the project, it is important to spread clear and accurate information about the benefits that ecosystems provide. This awareness process is will bring yields in the medium term and involves a series of communication actions that must be connected.

In ADAPTUR’s experience, identifying good practices that already existed in the Mexican tourism sector and, subsequently, documenting these success stories has been key. The audience gained motivation to collaborate with the project and share the materials.