Articles and briefs

Find here downloadable technical documents, articles, videos and infographics for consultation generated by the project and its partners on different topics. With them, you will be able to gain a better understanding of the link between tourism, adaptation to climate change and protection of biodiversity.

Browse through the resources, filtering by category or topic of interest.
  • Tourism-environment strategic alliance in Guanajuato

    The secretariats of Tourism and Environment and Territorial Planning of Guanajuato see a joint opportunity in ecosystem-based adaptation for tourism.

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  • Legislative opportunities and challenges: Cooperation with the Congress of the state of Quintana Roo

    Articles on the results of the legislative work with the Quintana Roo Congress for environmental and climate change legislation.

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  • Intersectoral cooperation – Tourism and Environment

    Artículo sobre el trabajo de ADAPTUR en la inclusión de criterios de adaptación al cambio climático de manera transversal en programas sectoriales de turismo subnacionales.

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  • Quintana Roo Congress proposes environmental actions

    The Environment and Climate Change Commission presented three legal initiatives to address environmental crises in the state.

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  • Adaptation of tourism to climate change: the situation in SMA

    Message from Arturo Morales Tirado, from the Corporate Coordinating Counsel of San Miguel de Allende.

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  • Progress of the Public Consultation of the Municipal Climate Change Program (PMCC) of Puerto Vallarta

    Article on the progress in the work, activities and articles in the path towards the Public Consultation of the Municipal Climate Protection Program of Puerto Vallarta.

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