Phase 5: Sustainability

Adaptation to climate change is a process and not a permanent state. This implies adapting and recognizing the risks that the world faces, in order to increase resilience towards adaptation to climate change globally, nationally, state and locally.

Going beyond and scaling the processes and benefits of adaptation implies a challenge: it requires cooperation that is transparent, firm and lasting, which in turn implies decision, communication, will and commitment of all actors in the field.

By Project sustainability, we mean the possibility of maintaining the adaptation process over time, aiming at permanently developing adaptive capacities to achieve resilience not only in the community, but within the entire socio-environmental system.

Sustainability is built from the results obtained in the previous phases. Therefore, it is important to consider the lessons learned and strengthen the commitment among all the key actors and strategic allies of the process.

Lessons learned

  • Develop a strong working group that owns the EbA agenda beyond the duration of a defined project.
  • Keep in mind that the success of an adaptation process does not depend on a single sector, but on the participation and co-responsibility of all those who take part in the field.
  • Anchor EbA measures to sector initiatives with longer periods of time and independent financing.

For more information, we recommend consulting the complete ADAPTUR methodology document, available here.
